How To Clean Suede Couch – A Complete Guide

How To Clean Suede Couch – A Complete Guide

How to clean suede couch and make it look like a new one? We all know how elegant suede couches look. But maintaining the classy look of these couches is not easy. You have to know the exact cleaning process and the maintenance steps to maintain the fresh look of the couches.

Natural suede is elegant and delicate. Like other delicate fabrics, these natural suede couches also require very careful cleaning. But you can use some of the cleaning agents to remove the stains from the couches and make them look like a new one. Some household items are also very useful as cleaning agents like vinegar, baking soda, and liquid detergent like cleaning agents.

How Often Should You  Clean a Suede Couch?

How Often Should You  Clean a Suede Couch?
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Spills and stains should be cleaned instantly. These types of cleaning processes can help you to treat the suede couches instantly. Cleaning the suede couches two times a year can help you to maintain the cleanliness of the couches. But if you have practiced instant cleaning once a year, deep cleaning is also going to help you.

How To Know What Your Couch Is Made Of?

How To Know What Your Couch Is Made Of?
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Thinking of how to clean suede couch the first thing you must know about what your couches are made of. Check out ..

Natural Suede: This is natural animal leather. Couches fabric is made with thin, porous dye and undyed leather. Natural suede cleaning is possible by using natural ingredients like baking soda, and special cleaning agents for cleaning the natural animal leather.

Microfiber Suede: These fibers are created from the polyester and nylon fibers. Microfiber suede fabrics are more resistant to dust, dirt, and other types of stains.

Microfiber suede fabrics can be cleaned with a water-based cleaning solution or you can clean the microfiber suede by using the dry vacuum cleaner.

How To Clean A Suede Couch? Step By Step Guide

How To Clean A Suede Couch? Step By Step Guide
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Searching for the answer of how to clean a faux suede couch? These items are common for both natural and false faux suede couches. Now let’s have a look at the basic process of how to clean suede couch. The first thing which you must know about the equipment and tools. 

Required Tools Materials
1. Dry vacuum cleaner with the required nozzle1. Baby powder, baking soda, or cornstarch
2. Suede brush2. Market-available glue removers 
3. Bucket and whisk3. White vinegar
4. Spray bottle4. Rubbing alcohol
5. Scrubbing brush and soft nylon bristles5. Dishwashing liquid
6. Microfiber cleaning cloths
7. Fresh Sponge
8. Water Bowl

How to Clean a Natural Suede Couch?

How to Clean a Natural Suede Couch?
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Often people are asked about how to clean fake suede couch. But fake couch cleaning is much easier.

Vacuum Away The Loose Dirt Soil: Weekly vacuuming will remove the dust and keep your couch clean. Use the small brush attachments to reach out to every surface.

Spot Treatment Of The Stains: Spills and stains should be treated immediately. Cornstarch, baking soda, and baby powder are great oil absorbers. Commercial glue can take away the sticky things from your couch. White vinegar can easily break the dirt without harming the natural fabric. First, dab the sponge into the vinegar and rub it on the area while it is removed. Other than this you can also clean the area by the use of the baking soda paste and clean the stains. After cleaning the couch, clean the areas with the use of a damp cloth.

How To Clean A Faux Suede Couch?

How To Clean A Faux Suede Couch?
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How to clean faux suede couch made with faux suede couches with simple soap and water.  Yes, you can clean it by using simple water and soap.

Get Rid Of The Loose Soil: Use the vacuum cleaner to get rid of this loose dirt and remove the loose soil from the couch’s surface.

Prepare A Cleaning solution: Add at least 4 cups of warm water in a bucket or a large bowl. Add 1/4 cup of dishwashing liquid along with one or ½ cup of white vinegar. Use the whisk whisk and make a cleaning solution to create soapy suds. Fill the bucket with plain water.

Scrub The Dirt: Dip the scrub brush in the soap suds. Start to clean the top cushion part and repeat the steps with the fresh soap water. Work on the small areas at a time. For stubborn stains treat the areas with baking soda and water paste. Dab into the paste and clean the areas with the use of a sponge. Rinse away the suds.

Patting the area with dry cloths and microfiber cloths. Allow the fabric to air dry. You can use the vacuum brush to fluff the fibers.

Bottomline: Have A Clean Couch

Do you have ideas on how to clean suede couch? Both natural and faux suede couches are pretty easy to clean. Natural suede requires a few extra maintenance tips. As natural fibers and fabrics require softer cleaning agents, harsh cleaning agents can hamper the natural fabrics and suede couches. Start with vacuuming the couches and dry cleaning. Then use the already discussed tips. What are your tips for cleaning your suede couches? Comment back to us and let us know about your opinion.

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